Wednesday, February 20, 2013


息子 ジェレマイア ネイスンの初七日が済みました。
Jeremiah Jiro and his daughter Sarai

 一月三十日に彼の大好きだった 整地ホウナウナウの湾からダイビングに行きました。
翌日に家族に会う為、ロスアンジェルスに向かう前の最後のダイブをしたまま 彼は帰ってくる事がありませんでした。
ハワイ郡の警察の捜査隊やコーストガードや沢山のお友達が五日間に渡って捜索しましたが 彼の身体は見つかりませんでした。

Ganasha - Jeremiah Nathan

  青年期から躁鬱症に悩まされ、自分の創造力をフルに表現できずに苦みながらの人生でした。仮死状態で産まれた孫娘サライを人工呼吸で助けました。その結 果、脳性麻痺の障害を受けたサライにセラピーを受けさせる為、ロスアンジェルスに引っ越しました。彼は仕事を外でしなければならない母親に代わり、献身的 にサライの世話をする日々を送りました。昨年の秋に腎臓炎になったサライの24時間の看病と大嫌いなロスアンジェルスでの生活のストレスに疲労困憊し、十 一月の末 ジンジャーヒルに休養の為戻っていました。


 昨日の 夕方ホウナウナウで夕陽の中 彼の魂が光の世界に戻る様にと、クムフラ ケアラ・チン先生とジェレマイアのお姉さんのような存在だったハレアカ・プレさんが ハワイアンのお祈りを捧げ ました。私はジェレマイアの胸に彫った虹型の般若心経を祈りました。私の弟でジェレマイアの大好きな叔父さん、小田正行の散骨式がこの同じ湾で行われたの は、三週間前の事でした。

ぎゃてい ぎゃてい

ぱら ぎゃてい

ぱらそう ぎゃてい


 彼を愛してくれた皆さんと彼の魂が共にある事を思い どうぞ彼と彼の娘サライの為に祈ってください。皆様のお祈りに私は支えられております。

 ジェレマイアの捜索の一日目に、彼のダイブ・パートナーのジェッフ・アルバーツさんが 大きな美しいホラ貝を海底で見つけました。

海の神様からの贈り物 ジェフさん、夜を通しての六日間に渡る捜索、


四十九日の法要のご案内は 日時が決まりしだい追ってお知らせ致します。


追伸:喪中の為、どうか このメッセージを私の友人、ジェレマイアの友人に転送して頂けると有り難いです。

Aloha my 'ohana, friends and family,

Today, February 6th, 2013 is the seventh day of my son Jeremiah Nathan's passing. He went free-diving at Honaunau on January 30th, his favorite sacred place that he dove from a lot.  He wanted to take a last dive before he left for Los Angeles to reunite with his family. He never returned.  Many many friends and the County, police and Coast Guard looked for him for five days.  Yet they never found him.

I know he returned to the world his soul belonged to.  His life has had a lot of suffering, due to his manic-depression.  After his daughter's Sarai's difficult birth, whom he saved from dying with mouth to mouth resusitation, he and his family moved to LA for Sarai's treatment.   He was a devoted and caring father. Last fall, he was exhausted from caring for Sarai and life in LA. He had returned to Kealakekua to rest.

I feel very puzzled.  He was a great strong swimmer.  For a few days after his last dive, an extraordinary number of whales and dolphins were swimming and jumping in and off Honaunau Bay.  I feel as though he is still swimming with the dolphins, not in the body but in spirit.  I feel sad and am grieving.  Yet at the same time I feel tremendous relief that his suffering is over and that he is with the ocean that was his world.  He was a man of the sea and he went in the sea.

We had a beautiful Hawaiian sunset ceremony yesterday at Honaunau for him, blessing his soul to return to the spirit world.  We chanted the Heart Sutra which he had tattooed in a rainbow arc on his chest. We had just had Masayuki Oda's, his favorite uncle's, ashes' ceremony at the same place last month. 

Gate gate parsamgate bodhi svaha.  I hope you feel the same way that I feel, that he is with us, blessing our lives from the space he is in.
Please keep him and Sarai in your prayers.  I know that I feel supported by your prayers.  Thank you for them.

The first day of Jeremiah's search, his dive partner, Jeff Alberts found a big beautiful pu (conch) on the bottom of the bay, as if it was a gift from the sea goddess. Jeff thank you very much for six days of search, and to Gerald Kosaki for guiding so many of the Fire Department Search & Rescue crew. And to the Coast Guard and many of Jeremiah's dive friends for the persistent work they provided, I am grateful.

Mayumi Oda

Please feel free to forward this to our extended family.  Even though I am not able to respond to each of you, I say from the bottom of my heart, thank you, thank you.

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